Blueprint Reading


EC3’s Blueprint Reading is designed for individuals who need to understand the meaning of drawings/prints in a variety of workplace settings. This entry-level training will put emphasis on understanding multi-view relationships, symbology, and conventional dimensioning and tolerance methods.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this one-day training, students will:

  • Read and interpret standard type blueprints and technical data on drawings such as dimensions, drawing scales, revisions, notes.
  • Analyze and demonstrate the purpose of lines and symbols, dimensional values and abbreviations as well as different side, front and top view types.
  • Read the various types of measuring instruments and interpret bill of materials and/or parts lists.

Additional Details

  • WHEN: Spring/Summer/Fall 2024
  • LOCATION: EC3 West: 2403 W 8th St., Erie
  • COST/FEES: $350 – per person
  • Duration: 8 Hours
  • For Customized Training: Groups of up to 25 individuals can convene at the EC3 location, or alternatively, as many as space permits at your company site.

How To Get Started

*Training can be delivered in full, in part, or customized for your company needs (on company location or EC3 location)